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Who is Agatha?

Dr Agatha Shuk-Yee Wong-Fraser

Agatha is a strategic business and management consultant, the Asia Pacific President for BPSA Ltd, a business consultancy company she founded together with her husband, Michael Fraser, in 1993 and the Asia Pacific President of Xsortal Ltd, a company which focuses on bringing together online solutions and resources that are essential for business in one place.

Originally from Hong Kong, she moved to the UK to study for her Masters Degree (M.Litt.) and Ph.D. before spending a year in the US as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Harvard University (John Kennedy School of Government).

She went on to become a very successful financial consultant, and together with her husband they set up their first business and financial consultancy in the 1980s. Since the mid-90s Agatha has been focused on providing strategic business and management consultancy services to companies of all sizes across many sectors, as well as delivering training and seminar activities to senior executives and professionals in the Far East. She also mentors and coaches CEOs of listed and private companies.

Currently, she is heavily focused on creating bespoke data audits for her corporate clients to help them uncover gaps and discover hidden problems in their current data sets and structure, as well as extracting business intelligence from client data and company transformation.

Agatha’s Education and Qualifications

Educated in Hong Kong, Agatha’s postgraduate studies have taken her across the world to the UK and US.

  • Manchester Metropolitan University for Humanities and Social Sciences – UK Senior Research Fellow
  • Harvard University (John Kennedy School of Government) – USA Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
  • Aberdeen University – Scotland, UK Masters Degree (M.Litt.) and Ph.D. in International Strategic Studies
  • The University of Hong Kong – Hong Kong SAR BA (Hons)

Agatha’s Experience

International Speaker and Trainer

Agatha’s seminar, training, lecturing and speaking activities are extensive and cuts across the academic, business, professional and government sectors.  She has delivered seminars and keynote sessions in Europe and the Far East. Amongst others they include:

  • Lecturing at Keele University (Department of International Relations) in the UK.
  • Delivering the MBA selective “Leveraging e-Business and e-Commerce” course for AGSM – Australian Graduate School of Management (Sydney University and New South Wales University) in Hong Kong.
  • Writing and delivering “The Advanced Diploma Course in Total Quality Management for Insurance Services” a series of training seminars for Financial Advisers, a course officially approved for reimbursement by the Education and Manpower Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong.
  • Delivering a series of business seminars for Institute for International Research and Management Development Council (MDC)
  • Running e-business seminars for the American Chamber of Commerce.
  • Delivering a series of seminars for Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and ABRS Professional Learning Services for professionals.
  • Running a series of 6 seminars on the Road to IPO for the software industry on the invitation of the Shenzhen Software Industry Association (SSIA)
  • Delivering a series of seminars and training programs for the Hong Kong Productivity Council designed to help Hong Kong industries and enterprises develop and grow.
  • Delivering a webinar to a global audience on Compliant Data Weaponization: Financial Risk and Business Growth at the Data and Analytics in Financial Services Virtual Summit hosted by BrightTALK. Click here to view the webinar.

Strategic Business and Management Consultant

Agatha has been involved in business and management consultancy for over 35 years and has been actively involved with Start Ups, SMEs and Large Companies across many sectors of business mainly in the UK and Far East. She works extensively with some of the largest manufacturing and financial service organisations in Hong Kong and China.

Prior to her return to the Far East in 1992, Agatha had already successfully built a business and financial services consultancy with a network of nearly 2000 SME clients which she had consistently provided added value services to for over a decade.

In the Far East she has been working at a strategic level and is involved in helping clients with:

  • Strategic planning and development
  • Auditing and extracting business intelligence from corporate data sets and structure
  • Company restructuring
  • Management and agent skills training and development
  • Sales and Recruitment performance management
  • CEO and Director Mentoring
  • Overseas sales and development
  • Implementing quality and environmental audits
  • Setting up and implementing e-business strategies
  • Implementing skill and competency audits

Companies that she has consulted for include AXA Wealth Mgt (HK) Ltd, Berman Investment Company Limited, Cathay Pacific Catering Services (HK) Limited, Chen Hsong, HB Foods, HSBC, Jing King Technology Holdings Ltd, KML Engineering, Modern Terminals Limited, Ping An Insurance, PKF Hong Kong, SF Holding, Sunlight Technology Development Ltd, Winterthur Life (Credit Suisse), Pet Space Group and many more.

Together with her husband, Michael Fraser, they have built two unique portal websites for business.

  • One is the Xsortal grant matching platform which enables users to search and interrogate a comprehensive database of UK regional and national grant schemes available, so you can easily find relevant grants for your business.
  • The other is based on a management skills audit they created for their clients that had been running offline for over 20 years. The website is called Business Skills DNA and is designed to help individuals uncover their strength and weaknesses (identifying 7 critical threats) and to show how they can improve their productivity and earning potential.

Writer and Journalist

As well as publishing several academic books and articles, and writing course material for educational establishments, Agatha has created together with her husband, a series of business manuals mainly for the financial services industry. She has also contributed to a number of professional body’s official magazines and semi-government publications.

As a journalist she:

  • Has written a regular tax column in the international Chinese newspaper Sing Tao (European edition)
  • Was the resident columnist to COMPASS, the official semi-government journal from ECIC – Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation
  • For many years produced a popular monthly business column for the Hong Kong Economic Journal, focusing on critical international issues

Click here to see a list of her publications and articles.

Other Business Roles

Over the years, Agatha has taken on many business roles including:

  • Being the Business Development Director at the Manchester Metropolitan University for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • A Governor at the City College in Manchester
  • Advisor to the ACCA SME subcommittee on SME development and initiatives
  • Senior Honorary Advisor of the Greater Bay Area Economic Analysis Group, Government and Professional Bodies Relationship Committee – The Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors

Agatha’s Area of Expertise

Agatha core areas of expertise are:

  • Business Coaching and Mentoring
  • Business Training and Development
  • Management Skills Development
  • Business and Management Consultancy
  • Doing Business in the Greater Bay Area, China and Hong Kong
  • Sales and Recruitment Performance Management
  • Keynote speaker
  • SME Columnist
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Preparation for IPO
  • Company Restructuring
  • Financial Services
  • E-business and Digital Transformation

Arrange a Meeting with Agatha

Alternatively, you can get in touch using the following email address [email protected].