Alert on Australian dollars

6/11/2022 Alert on Australian dollars 與中國有關聯的貨幣週一早盤暴跌——抵消了周五的強勁漲幅——此前中國當局發誓要堅持其嚴格的 Covid-Zero 立場。 一位亞洲外匯交易員表示,在短期投資者平倉多頭頭寸後,澳元下跌超過 1%,而新西蘭元一度下跌 1.4%。 中國離岸人民幣下跌0.8%,而美元攀升,因交易員尋求避險資產。 新西蘭銀行外匯策略師 Jason Wong 表示:“這告訴我們市場對中國結束零新冠政策的敏感程度。” “市場上的一些人會認為,有煙就有火,並希望相信中國最終會鬆口,這可能是一個漸進的過程。” 隨著中國堅持Covid零,澳元回吐漲幅

Australia’s central bank says ready to go faster or pause on rate hikes as needed

2/11/2022 Australia’s central bank says ready to go faster or pause on rate hikes as needed. The head of Australia’s central bank on Tuesday said further increases in interest rates would likely be needed to tame inflation, and it was ready to go faster on hikes or to pause for a Continue reading “Australia’s central bank says ready to go faster or pause on rate hikes as needed” to invest over 1 billion euros in European electric van, truck fleet

11/10/2022 to invest over 1 billion euros in European electric van, truck fleet Inc said on Monday it will invest more than 1 billion euros ($974.8 million) over the next five years in electric vans, trucks and low-emission package hubs across Europe, accelerating Continue reading “ to invest over 1 billion euros in European electric van, truck fleet”